Quick Start

LeapfrogAI UDS Deployment

The fastest and easiest way to get started with a deployment of LeapfrogAI is by using UDS. These quick start instructions show how to deploy LeapfrogAI in either a CPU or GPU-enabled environment.


GPU considerations (NVIDIA GPUs only):

  • NVIDIA GPU must have the most up-to-date drivers installed.
  • NVIDIA GPU drivers compatible with CUDA (>=12.2).
  • NVIDIA Container Toolkit is available via internet access, pre-installed, or on a mirrored package repository in the air gap.


GPU workloads WILL NOT run if GPU resources are unavailable to the pod(s). You must provide sufficient NVIDIA GPU scheduling or else the pod(s) will go into a crash loop.

whisper can run without GPU scheduling - just set the GPU_LIMIT value to 0.

If vllm is being used with:

  • A quantized model, then QUANTIZATION must be set to the quantization method (e.g., awq, gptq, etc.)
  • Tensor parallelism for spreading a model’s heads across multiple GPUs, then TENSOR_PARALLEL_SIZE must be set to an integer value that: a) falls within the number of GPU resources (nvidia.com/gpu) that are allocatable in the cluster b) divisible by the number of attention heads in the model architecture (if number of heads is 32, then TENSOR_PARALLEL_SIZE could be 2, 4, etc.)

These vllm specific environment variables must be set at the model skeleton level or when the model is deployed into the cluster.


Start by cloning the LeapfrogAI Repository:

git clone https://github.com/defenseunicorns/leapfrogai.git


From within the cloned repository, deploy K3D and the LeapfrogAI bundle:

cd uds-bundles/latest/cpu/
uds create .
uds deploy k3d-core-slim-dev:0.18.0      # be sure to check if a newer version exists
uds deploy uds-bundle-leapfrogai-*.tar.zst --confirm


In order to test the GPU deployment locally on K3d, use the following command when deploying UDS-Core:

 cd uds-bundles/latest/gpu/
 uds create .
 uds deploy k3d-core-slim-dev:0.18.0 --set K3D_EXTRA_ARGS="--gpus=all --image=ghcr.io/justinthelaw/k3d-gpu-support:v1.27.4-k3s1-cuda"     # be sure to check if a newer version exists
 uds deploy uds-bundle-leapfrogai-*.tar.zst --confirm

Checking Deployment

Inspect the cluster using:

uds zarf tools monitor
RAG Serverhttps://leapfrogai-rag.uds.dev/docs


Last modified April 8, 2024 : (2bf1974)